I’ve noticed KM has been running at 20% CPU load lately.
I quite keyboard Maestro Engine and restart all is good.
Why, what can I look for? Maybe a script running on the loose?
Any Ideas?
Cheers ヅ,
Thursday, December 3, 2015 4:34 PM
I’ve noticed KM has been running at 20% CPU load lately.
I quite keyboard Maestro Engine and restart all is good.
Why, what can I look for? Maybe a script running on the loose?
Any Ideas?
Cheers ヅ,
Thursday, December 3, 2015 4:34 PM
Generally, the only time you get non-negligible CPU usage out of Keyboard Maestro Engine is when it is executing a macro.
Check the Keyboard Maestro status Cancel submenu to see what macros are currently running, as well as the recently executed macros (select the All Macros group and sort the macros by macro execution).
If will also do this if there is an action editor displayed in the Keyboard Maestro editor which is live evaluating an expression. Eg, an If Then Else action with a Screen Condition action. Since the displayed “(currently true)” or “(currently false)” condition is updated every second, even if the macro is not executing, if the condition is displayed in the Keyboard Maestro editor, it is still testing the screen.
Cancel the appropriate macros, add timeouts if necessary so they dont recur, and don’t leave the Keyboard Maestro editor displaying such an action (quit it, or undisclose the actions, or deselect the macro).