KM does not work After I Upgraded to macOS Catalina. How do I fix?

First, please try searching for "catalina" in this forum. Apple make some major changes in security starting with macOS Mojave, and more with Catalina.

And see this in the KM Wiki: Accessibility Permission Problem assistance

If you still can't run/trigger any Macro, then you can ask Keyboard Maestro itself for assistance by choosing Help ➤ Interactive Help menu.

If all of that does not solve your problem, then please upload an example macro and also a screenshot of its Macro Group details.

BEFORE you attempt the next fix, let's see what @peternlewis has to say.


As the VERY LAST fix to attempt, you can try a reinstall of KM:

  1. Export All of your Macros somewhere safe.
  2. Backup these files in the KM Support Folder
    ~/Library/Application Support/KeyboardMaestro
    • Keyboard Maestro Clipboards.plist
    • Keyboard Maestro Clipboard History.plist
    • Keyboard Maestro Dictionaries.sqlite
    • Keyboard Maestro Macros.plist
    • Keyboard Maestro Variables.sqlite
  3. Use an app uninstaller like AppDelete or AppCleaner
  4. Download a fresh copy of KM from Keyboard Maestro 11.0.2: Work Faster with Macros for macOS
  5. Be sure to install in your main Applications folder.
  6. After you start the KM Editor, try creating a very simple macro to test.
  7. If that works, then import all of the macros you exported in Step #1.


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