KM fails to work with MS Office upgrade - can you suggest a fix?

Just upgraded my Mac to Office 2011 with Excel 14.7.7. KM will not function at all in Excel, however works fine in Word.

Any ideas how to fix this issue?

@beldar You could stop using Microsoft Office...?

On a more helpful note, have you looked at what the log files are saying ? The one of importance is located at ~/Library/Logs/Keyboard Maestro/Engine.log (where ~/ denoted your home folder, therefore you want the Library folder located there, and not the one located at the top-level of Finder's folder hierarchy).

If I were experiencing a problem similar to yours in just a single application, I'd attempt a few purposeful macro triggers and then see if any report turned up in the log to say there's a problem, or at least whether or not the engine was able to determine that macros failed to execute.

If macros are not doing anything, use the Help ➤ Assistance window to figure out why and that should at the least give you more information on where to target your attention.

Hey Bill,

The first thing to try is to change the Excel app reference in your macro group to some other app and then back to the running version of Excel.

Sometimes app upgrades break Keyboard Maestro's track to their location, and that's the easy fix.
