I often use the Mac calculator and have assigned keystrokes to many of its buttons to hasten calculations. For example, with Keyboard Maestro I’m able to press ⌘T to calculate the tangent, by assigning this key stroke to the action “Press button named: tangent”. I find the button names in the file “Calculator.app/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/Function.xml”. This works for many of the buttons, including “natural logarithm” and “10 to the x”. But it doesn’t work for all, including “squared” and “inverse tangent”. The KM error is «Macro Cancelled: Press Button “squared” failed to find button.». I don’t see any pattern for the failures.
Thanks — looks like that’s not a solution because these missing UI elements are not properly identified in the Calculator code — unless they can be identified by relative position?
Interesting. These additional button names worked even in my current Mojave: x2, √x, and ∛x. The other new ones, including x3, still failed. Once I finally upgrade, hopefully more of them will, too (I’m still busily converting hundreds of QuicKeys to KM!).