KM Not triggering. Trying to assign to Logic through SD buttons... Help

I can't see what im doing wrong

Neither can we. Post your macro.


App Setup JM.kmmacros (43.8 KB)

Please take the time to go through the instructions carefully on the main macro thread, as all of this is explained in detail.

1: Set this back to how it was in the original macro.

2: Remove mono/stereo references from Waves plugins in the Whitelist.

1: You need to reference the path to your Logic Pro Stream Deck trigger app, not an audio component file.


I've spent the whole day on this and I'm getting nothing. I'm about to throw my system through the window.

I have followed to the letter and nothing.

sorry for being a numbty



Take a deep breath...

This is a very complicated macro, so don't feel too bad that it isn't working right away. You're not the first person to struggle with it!

Did you make the changes I suggested?

1 Like


Yes. I made the changes

When I assign to sd it only triggers the Logic app to the front. Nothing else.

Is this right ?


James McKinley

It's very hard to know what's going from here, but I can try.

In the SD software, which application is your Logic profile associated with?

Thanks for your patience with me.

Yes it is, but I now seem to be getting lots of copy profiles.

That won't be anything to do with the Switcher macro. Looks like you need to remove the copies and figure out why they're being created.

It looks like your SD Logic profile(s) are currently associated with Logic Pro. This will override our trigger app activations. You need to associate your Logic SD profile with the Logic trigger app bring opened as part of the Switcher macro. Again, this is all laid out in the setup instructions. I know you're eager to get it going, but taking your time to set it up exactly as described is going to help in the long run.

Worth pointing out that your Switcher and Setup macro groups are disabled. If that isn't intentional, it may explain why you've not been having much luck.

I think I have sorted out the copying on SD

Should it be associated with Logic ?

Im so confused about the Logic Trigger App, I haven't loaded an app ?

I am going to restart everything again.

But I really have no clue what I'm doing now


There needs to be a Logic trigger app inside your Trigger App folder, just like there should be trigger apps for your plugins:

In the SD software, you select this rather than Logic itself:

Yes. I have the Logic app (Blank app) in the "Stream Deck Triggers" folder. Yay me.

I'll keep the SD profiles application box blank for everything.

You'll want to select the appropriate trigger app in that box, otherwise the profiles won't switch when the macro opens the trigger app.


Can you check these 2.

Nothing has happened yet.

2. Compressor Profile Switcher (Button).kmmacros (57.9 KB)
Logic Pro.kmmacros (44.2 KB)

You can't use this macro this way. I could spend time explaining what the macro is intended for and how it should be set up, but I've already done that in the main thread and I think we should really get the other one working first.

You seem to have arbitrarily changed the variable names for the setup macro. Two of them are setting a global variable, Plugin.

Please take your time to set it up exactly as described in the instructions rather than randomly changing things and hoping for the best.

Delete these macros and download them again along with the blank app.


Macro 1. Setup

Add lines to the Plugin Whitelist:

I've tried to make this as easy for you to set up as possible. I've added some example plugin names to the Plugin Whitelist which you will need to replace with your own. For each plugin you'd like to add, add its name as shown at the bottom of the Logic plugin window, on a new line.

Supply paths for your Trigger Apps:

Delete the example paths and add your own according to the action titles. These paths will be referenced within the main Profile Switcher macros.

NB: We will ignore Macro 2, "Profile Switcher (Button)", for now.

Macro 3. Profile Switcher (Auto)

This is the main version and the one I'm currently using myself. It performs the OCR scan and automatically switches Stream Deck profile. If you select a plugin that has a dedicated profile, it will switch to that. If you select one that doesn't (but is on the Whitelist), it will load your Generic profile (see above). If you click away from the plugin UI and back to Logic, it will load your Logic profile. If you click on a plugin that isn't on the Whitelist, nothing will happen.

NB: If a plugin's name is not entered into the Plugin Whitelist in the Setup macro, it will not trigger an automatic profile switch.


Macro 1. Force Quit Trigger Apps

This ensures that trigger apps quit properly after having run. Pay attention to the green actions, where you will select the trigger apps to be quit. Thus far, I've found that the only ones I've had to specify to be quit are the Logic and Generic profiles.

Macro 2. App Switch Variable Cleaning

This macro is necessary in ordinary to keep your Logic profile from becoming inactive when you switch to another app and then back to Logic.


Something is happening

In Logic Pro I open up a plugin from the whitelist and KM I trying to trigger but doesn't.
Nothing happens on SD.

Here are the macros. Please check

1. Setup copy.kmmacros (44.2 KB)
3. Test Profile Switcher (Auto) copy.kmmacros (70.8 KB)

Looks right to me. Your trigger app folder should also include trigger apps for each plugin in your whitelist for which you want a dedicated profile. Any plugins in the whitelist that do not have a trigger app will open the Generic profile, in case that needs repeating.

You should manually open each trigger app and ensure that it successfully loads each SD profile. You'll want to do this with Logic as the front app and make sure that Logic is associated with its corresponding trigger app and not the Logic Pro app itself.

You can manually open each trigger app by selecting it in the finder, switching app focus to Logic Pro and then running this macro:

Manually Open Trigger App.kmmacros (19 KB)

Macro screenshot

This also looks correct, assuming you haven't changed anything after downloading it. These macros were created in a way that means the user should only need to change things in the Setup macro.

If nothing is happening, then I can only guess that you haven't yet set up the SD software correctly. To summarise again:

  • SD Logic profile should be associated with your Logic trigger app, not the Logic Pro app itself.
  • The individual SD profile for each plugin on your whitelist should be associated with an identically named trigger app in your trigger apps folder.
  • The Generic SD profile should, similarly, be associated with the Generic trigger app.
  • With Logic Pro at the front, open a plugin window (one whose name is on the whitelist) and if the profile doesn't pop up first time, wait at least one second and then close the plugin window and reopen it.
  • If it's still not working, you need to make sure the names in the whitelist exactly match the output of the OCR scan. KM's OCR occasionally errors, but seems to error consistently, which means a garbled but unique OCR will still reliably open the correct trigger app, IF the OCR result, whitelist entry and trigger app name are identical.

I have selected the Logic trigger app, but it just show the blank app instead. I think my files are in the right location.