KM SQLite Data Viewer?

I note that Variables and Dictionaries as stored as SQLite files in Application support. But nothing is visible when attempting to view these with several different off-shelf SQLite viewers. Is the data in some format that is not accessible in this way?

I can browse them with no problems using DB Browser for SQLite on my Mac here! Here's an example:


Do you have only 21 Macros?

I see a similar number in DB Browser but I have many more in KM.

When I try to view variables I get this warning (Yes I am just playing with a backup at the moment)


I get the same warning.

I’ve got hundreds of macros and I didn’t think I could squeeze them all into one screenshot.

When you said

I didn’t realise you were referring to the content of variables, so I didn’t try that.

If I get time later I’ll check it out on my Mac.

In the meantime I’m expecting to get the same result as @JMichaelTX and you...

I found that just by closing the error dialog I can still browse and view the values of my dictionaries and variables and there seems to be no adverse effect on KM. YMMV.

I also googled "unocase" which pointed me to a discussion in this forum from a couple of years ago that you might want to look at.

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Thank you - that solves it

From that thread:

No, it's not your SQL, the database uses a case-insensitive collation function which will not be present except when done from within Keyboard Maestro. I'm not sure if there are any SQL applications that could cope with adding their own case-insensitive collation function.