Realised this morning that I had missed something in the documentation, and that lead to a small experiment with using XPath to harvest things by search term from the KM documentation to linked MD / PDF.
Here is a macro:
Yosemite version which displays Wiki results page as well as Documentation search results
Keyboard Maestro 7 Docs & Wiki ( term search ).kmmacros (28.5 KB)
Earlier version for KM6:
Keyboard Maestro Documentation ( term search ).kmmacros (23.1 KB)
- Prompts for a search term like
- Generates a linked Markdown listing of all sentences containing occurrences (with their section headers)
- If Marked is installed, shows a rendered version (search term in red)
For reference, a pretty-printed copy of the Safari javascript in the macro: (1.4 KB)
The XPath 1.0 version of the search path is:
//*[not(name()='script') and not(name()='noscript') and not(name()='a') and contains(translate(text(), 'ABCDEFGHJIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghjiklmnopqrstuvwxyz'), translate('%Variable%Term in Help file%', 'ABCDEFGHJIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghjiklmnopqrstuvwxyz'))]
( Newer versions of XPath have fn:lower-case()
and fn:ends-with()
and a number of other very useful functions which make such patterns rather more concise ... )
Ah … there was an oversight in the XPath (excluded any basic terms appearing in the sidebar links, like ‘Variable’, ‘Calculation’ etc.
Now fixed (above)
Hey Rob,
You’ve hard-coded the location of KM’s help file, and that may not work for everyone. A more flexible approach might go something like this:
tell application "Finder"
set kmHelpFileURL to URL of file ((path to application id "com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.editor" as text) & "Contents:Resources:Keyboard Maestro Help:index.html")
end tell
tell application "Safari"
make new document with properties {URL:kmHelpFileURL}
set bounds of front window to {228, 22, 1542, 1196}
end tell
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Good thinking … thanks, I’ll adjust that
Ver 0.6 (in first post above) adds bullets to the harvested sentences for clearer legibility.
GREAT macro! Thanks so much for sharing.
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Added (to first post above), an updated version for the Keyboard Maestro 7 documentation.
Having at first missed something which turned out to be in the Wiki pages, I've updated this to
- List search hits in the Documentation pages (as before), and:
- display a KM Wiki search result page for the same term:
Keyboard Maestro 7 Docs & Wiki ( term search ).kmmacros (29.5 KB)
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Yes, the wiki pages now have lots of help on specific components of Keyboard Maestro.
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