Listing KM Variables by Descending Size (And Optionally Clearing Some)


Thanks for sharing your script and macro. It now runs very fast, and I think it is very useful.

I would like to modify your JXA script, but I can't understand it well enough to do so.
Maybe you could suggest where in your script, and how I might make changes to provide:

  1. Display of selected variables
  2. Save of selected variables to file (one file per variable).
  3. As Chris suggested, show the initial variable list without any default selection.

Perhaps if you could mod your script to provide buttons on the confirm dialog for the above, and a stub function for each, I can then provide the actual functions.

Here's a prototype of the dialog I would like:


Thanks for your help.

BTW, I have added this Macro and one of your other macros to the Best Macro List.

P.S. If anyone can determine how to mod @ComplexPoint's script to do the above, please feel free to post.