Logic Pro - Macro Megathread (2022)

my first post on this site! man oh man this particular thread is so helpful and so fun.

I'm having a blast creating my own macros, but i'm running into issues getting it to push buttons, is it a bug? it finds the button (in Logic) after scanning but it won't press it, like "Stereo Out" which is not repeated anywhere else on the screen so I don't see a reason it wouldn't select it.

There's also another instance where I pull up the "Export # of tracks as Audio Files" menu, then the button "New Folder" pops up as an option in KM, but it stalls about 10 seconds before clicking it for some reason, so I've resorted to having KM type Tab several times until it reaches "New Folder", then have KM hit enter. And the Stereo Out button in the Inspector just won't click. Is there something I'm missing?

Also I came up with a sick macro for "Exporting Files and batch rename these files, and label new folder containing the new exports" since Logic exports always create files with "_1" in as a suffix. I think someone one there would really like it, because it does the whole thing top to bottom, and it works for my specific setup (like folders must be categorized by Date Modified with most recent at the top) But I'm not a KM expert, I'd like for it to do what I want, but also work for other people's setups. Should I just share my idea here on this megathread?

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Welcome to the forum! :wave:t3:

KM's fun isn't it!

Probably best if you start a new thread and tag me in it, as this one is very long as it is. However, here are my thoughts in the meantime:

Forget trying to use the KM button action for much of the interface, as Logic has notoriously poor AppleScript support. Instead, try clicking using found images or rethinking your problem from a different angle. Always pose your questions on the forum in terms of your ultimate goal in order to avoid xy problems, and always post your macro to the forum if there's an issue with it so people can download it and try to help.

Congrats on your batch renaming macro. It's very satisfying when you set out to solve a problem and it works nicely, isn't it!

Hi, I'm trying to get a KM macro to automate the BIP when I've tuned something, using Melodyne. I've got it all working apart from the last step - trying to bypass Melodyne on insert 1. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Is there an easy way to bypass insert 1 on Logic?
Render Melodyne, move back to orig track, bypass melodyne.kmmacros (45.2 KB)

List item

My macro tries to:
1-Bring Logic to the front
2-Bypass all plugins
3-Unbypass Melodyne
4-Bounce in place (BIP) but, only after audio region is named
5-Copy BIP’d region
6-Type Up arrow
7-Create duplicate track of original
8-Paste BIP’d region
9-Move BIP’d region to recorded position
10-Enable all bypassed plugins
11-Type Down arrow
12-Delete ragion
13-Delete track
14-Type Up arrow
15-Bypass Melodyne…….

Here's how I'd do that:

Melodyne - Bounce in Place.kmmacros (62 KB)

Macro screenshot

The bit you need is in the second Set Up Plugin Bypass State group. Logic has a key command to open the first insert, which you can use to open Melodyne and then click its bypass button.

Green actions are key commands, which may need to be adjusted to match with however they're set up on your system.

It's also possible you may need to add pauses, depending on how snappy Logic runs on your mac. So far it's not been an issue here.

Thanks so much! I’ll try it this morning. Thanks again

Yes, it works! Thanks again

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My favourite macros do something like this, but I have it set it to duplicate as a track alternative instead, then bounce in place with the ‘delete’ setting, and then name the alternative something like “Melodyned”. Track alternatives then work a bit like an undo function, that let you go back to an earlier stage of editing. Of course, your method works well too, just sharing in case helpful.

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You know, that's actually a genius idea! I always forget about track alternatives and end up just hiding the earlier versions of tracks. :+1:t3:

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If I'm not mistaken, I'm talking about track alternatives and you're talking about project alternatives!


Gosh, you're right! :rofl: Yes, how did I confuse "track alternative" with "project alternative"? Silly me. :+1:

Let us never speak of this hilarious misunderstanding again!

I'll try to move on as best I can! #LogicLols

Saved for later: Work with track alternatives in Logic Pro for Mac. I can barely conceive of such a thing.

Great idea! would you mind sharing how you do this? Thanks

I do it a bit like this.

I've uploaded a copy for convenience, but I doubt it will work out of the box.

Bounce as Alternative Example.kmmacros (14.8 KB)


Load with Logic Plug-In Search.kmmacros (28.9 KB)

Wondering if there's a more reliable method than this for calling Logic's plug-in search.

I'm presuming you'd have to do a found image search for the search bar.

This works for me:

Although it's worth mentioning that I still find a lot of benefit in PlugSearch, not least because you can choose the slot you want to add a plugin to. I'm glad the Logic devs finally added plugin search, but it has a way to go to match PS's versatility.

True, I'm on the fence about switching. I'm wondering if the developer will change the method by which plug-ins are inserted for Logic 11.1 users, as it's slightly neater than the menu diving.

I don't think that's likely, as you can't manually do what PS does using the native plugin search. Case in point: position your mouse over a plugin slot on a track that isn't currently selected, hoping to instantiate a plugin there. Nope, it gets added to the last slot on the selected track.

You can use the native plugin search in this way, but it's a different interface, which still involves opening the usual menu and then using the search field at the top of it. Perhaps that could be incorporated, but it's not a huge difference in functionality.

Also, being able to trigger plugin loading via MIDI with PS is pretty neat!

Yep I set up MIDI triggers with PS recently, but in the spirit of tinkering*, was considering whether to replace it with Logic's version!

*time wasting

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Hello, thank you @noiseneil for sharing these macros and providing very patient responses to noob questions! I've got a few coming up. :^]

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