MacbookPro with touchbar, how to get the F13 - F19 key

I use KM on my iMac 27"-5K using the keyboard including numerical keys on the side. I have created some macros I run every day. They mostly use the combo of Ctrl and one F-key.
I am considering to put KM on my MacBook Pro, but how do I get these 'high-end F-keys?

My fingers are used to the present placement, would not like to re-connect macrostarters to a new set
any solution (not including more hardware) will be appreciated

Palle GreyT

It seems not possible to emulate these higher F-keys. So I have tried to have KM be triggered by using control and one of the F1 - F12 keys. but that does not trigger macro, only generates small sound...
I have this thing: It MUST be possible, but how???

any help is appreciated
