macOS 15.1.1 Sequoia + Keyboard Maestro 11.0.3 - "Click on Found Image" Not Working

Just updated my 2021 M1 Macbook Pro to macOS 15.1.1 Sequoia and now Keyboard Maestro 11.0.3 can no longer find and click images on the screen. My macros worked before the update, so I know they are set up well enough.


  • Going through the permission settings in System Settings > Privacy & Security and gave KM and KM Engine access anywhere I could.
  • Changing it from Unique to Best, and trying every option on the blurriness slider.
  • Using the Display feature, the few times it would show up it would be nowhere near the mark.
  • I made sure none of the images I'm using suffer from transparent backgrounds that change based on the context. Also updated all of the images just in case a recapture would help.

Any ideas?

EDIT: SOLUTION — Dragging image files of screenshots from the desktop into KM no longer makes images that can be found by KM after the update, but taking a screenshot directly to the clipboard and then pasting directly into KM does.

Example URL where it isn't working, so others can try?

What does the Engine log (~/Library/Logs/Keyboard Maestro/Engine.log) tell you? Is it not finding the image, or is screen recording being blocked similar to this post?

My apologies, not sure what you mean by an example URL.

As for the Log, there is no Keyboard Maestro folder, nor an Engine.log anywhere.

My non-Find Image commands work just fine, for reference.

Help → Open Logs Folder


Sorry, I should have been more clear.
When I go to ~/Library/Logs/ there is not a KM folder within there.

That's ... weird. I've never heard of the logs folder not existing. As a test, can you create a folder in the Logs folder in Finder?

My bad -- I thought you meant this was happening on web pages (others are reporting that since the 15.1.1 update), but if it's happening everywhere...

Check KM's Settings... -> Security and make sure everything looks OK -- while there, make sure Translocation is off.

Like @griffman, I'm surprised there's no log file. With Notifications enabled, what happens if you run an explicit "Log" action?


Done, still doesn't work. See attached images.

Not sure why or how but the log now appears on a reset of my system.
Ran the macro and this what the log said:

2024-12-03 10:31:11 Execute macro “Test” from trigger Editor
2024-12-03 10:31:11 Action 8314 failed: Move or Click Mouse no unique image found
2024-12-03 10:31:11 Move or Click Mouse no unique image found. Macro “Test” cancelled (while executing Move and Click at (0,0) from the Center of the Found Image).

2024-12-03 10:31:33 Execute macro “Test” from trigger Editor
2024-12-03 10:31:33 Action 8314 failed: Move or Click Mouse no unique image found
2024-12-03 10:31:33 Move or Click Mouse no unique image found. Macro “Test” cancelled (while executing Move and Click at (0,0) from the Center of the Found Image).

When I take the the fuzziness all the way to the right, the mouse jumps to a random part of the screen (as if it 'worked') and the log says:

2024-12-03 10:46:02 Execute macro “Test” from trigger The Hot Key ⌃2 is pressed

I tried slowly moving it back left, but once I reach a certain point it the doesn't work and I get this in the log:

2024-12-03 10:46:02 Execute macro “Test” from trigger The Hot Key ⌃2 is pressed
2024-12-03 10:46:02 Action 8314 failed: Move or Click Mouse no unique image found
2024-12-03 10:46:02 Move or Click Mouse no unique image found. Macro “Test” cancelled (while executing Move and Click at (0,0) from the Center of the Found Image).

Because it does work -- best match on maximum fuzziness is going to be pretty random, though.

But at least you know the action, and KM itself, is working.

How are you capturing the image to match against? If you didn't the first time, try using ⌃⇧⌘4, dragging out the area to capture, then Paste directly into the action's image well.

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THANK YOU. The entire time I have been using KM I have been taking a shift+cmd+4 screen shot, then dragging the image file from the desktop into KM. Something must have changed in the update that makes that not work the same. I changed the screenshot settings to instead go to the clipboard and then pasted directly, and now it works!