Macro always activated except when open/save dialogue box is open

I want to open folders using keyboard shortcuts…except when the open/save dialogue box is open in any application. When the open/save dialogue box, the application Default Folder X kicks in. Is it possible?

Not really, no. There is no good way that I know of to detect when the system is currently focussed on a Open/Save dialog.

Couldn’t you just say, “If a button with ‘Save’ exists OR a button with ‘Open’ exists”? This works great for me, assuming your interaction takes place with the frontmost window.

Hi There, I use Default Folder X too (as well as XtraFinder) and I’m having success using DefaultFolderX’s Hotkeys to trigger folder locations. An alternate (unfriendlier) approach might be to use the Mac OS’s “Go To Folder” Hot key: shift+CMD+G. The you could type in an address.

I hope this helps.


Andrew K