Macro failed, but performed action...?

I’m not on Monterey and I don't have Hazel but you might also be able to use until button "Save" does not exist to pause for the next window.

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Are you getting that to work reliably, @Zabobon? I'm worried that, because the OS will try to resolve the path (and give suggestions) as you type, keystrokes might be lost. If people are running across that, a paste operation may be better.

Yes. For me, using the Insert Text by Typing Action to do this, works reliably. I did try with the insert Text by Pasting Action and it worked too. I stuck with typing as it’s the simplest way not to change what is in the current clipboard. (And we are talking specifically about the use of this in Monterey. Before Monterey the dialog looks different and a Pause Until Button is helpful to make it work.)