Macro Import Manager Lite (MIM Lite) v1.0

#Macro Library Import Manager Lite (MIM Lite) v1.0

Requires OS/X Yosemite or later.

###NOTE: Please see the Installation Instructions (below) before using this macro.

Macro Import Manager (132.3 KB)


When you import macros, MIM Lite allows you to choose to:

  1. Import the macros "disabled".
  2. If they have any triggers, you can choose to remove the triggers during import.


I think it's a good idea to examine someone else's macro before you just blindly launch it, and MIM Lite gives you the chance to do exactly that, without accidentally triggering the macro first.

When you import macros that have triggers like timers, or unexpected hotkeys, you could inadvertently trigger a newly-imported macro before you get the chance to look at its code.

##Hows it works:

MIM Lite contains one macro, and an optional AppleScript applet.

When you run the macro, it examines the selected .kmmacros file, and displays a prompt similar to this:

Simply check or uncheck the options, and click "Import". That's it!

NOTE: If the macro(s) to be imported don't contain triggers, then it won't display the option to remove the triggers.

###MIMLite Launcher:

This is an optional AppleScript applet that makes it so you can:

  1. Right-click on a .kmmacros file in Finder and choose to open it with MIM Lite.
  2. Optionally, double-click a .kmmacros file in Finder, and have it automatically launch MIM Lite for the selected file. See the Installation Instructions (below) for more information.

#Installation Instructions


  1. Unzip the zip file (provided at the top of this post).

  2. Import the "Macro Imort Manager Lite.v1.0.kmmacros" macro.

3) Move the applet "MIMLite Launcher" out of your Downloads folder, to sompeplace like your Applications folder. (This may not be strictly required, but it's a good idea.)

  1. Double-click the "MIMLite Launcher" applet to run it once, so it can register itself with the system.

  2. After having been run once, you can now right-click on a .kmmacros file and select "Open with MIMLite Launcher":

  1. You can also assign it as the default application for ".kmmacros" files, so all you have to do is double-click a ".kmmacros" file to launch it. I recommend doing this.


If you choose to use the MIM Lite applet, and you should :smile:, make sure you don't move the "Macro Import Manager Lite" macro to a group that is inactive or disabled when Finder is active. Otherwise, MIM Lite won't do anything, because the macro can't be run.


Outstanding macro and app, Dan! :thumbsup:

I have tested this running Keyboard Maestro 7.3.1 (7.3.1) on macOS 10.11.4.

To All Keyboard Maestro Users:

I highly recommend this macro/app, and suggest that everyone download it and use to to import all KM Macros into your KM app.

Since KM Macros can have triggers that are set off by events other than the user's explicit action, it is possible for an Macro to run immediately, or very shortly thereafter, when you import a Macro. If the Macro author has malicious intent, or just makes an honest mistake, it could result in substantial damage to the files and setup on your Mac.

Dan's macro provides a SAFE way to import any/all macros, removing the trigger and disabling the macro until you have a chance to inspect it.