Macro is missing "This Hot Key" Description & Drop Down Box


I searched for an answer to this but couldn't find an answer. After installing El Capitan my version of KM is not displaying the "This Hot Key" section to choose a trigger below the text "Triggered by any of the following". For some macros this is there and for some the display of the text "This Hot Key" is displaced below the normal position. See below for both examples.

Here are two screenshots and thanks.

Ben Cacace
Manhattan, NYC

Hey Ben,

Quit and restart the Keyboard Maestro Editor and the Engine.

Resize the Editor window.

If that doesn’t help holler.



Thanks for the follow-up. This has been happening ever since the install of El Capitan so there have been many shut downs of the engine and closing of KM which I do each time I restart the computer. Resizing the window to half screen or full screen size doesn’t fix the issues. The version I’m using is KM 5.3.2.



Hey Ben,

Yosemite+ requires Keyboard Maestro 7 or higher.



Thanks so much! Just purchased the upgrade, installed & registered and the issues have been resolved.

Thanks again.


This is a drawing glitch in Keyboard Maestro 5 in later versions of OS X. If your macro detail view is larger than about 630 pixels, that should generally mitigate against this.