#Macro Library Replace Text Keep Initial Case v1.0.1
Minor Update: Retain the clipboard's contents (i.e. "Delete Past Clipbard 0") to make it possible to copy the text you want to find, then select the target text and run this macro, and be able to paste the "find" text into to the prompt.
Replace Text Keep Initial Case.v1.0.1.kmmacros (14.6 KB)
This is a little hard to explain, but VERY simple to use, so bear with me.
Using the currently-selected text, this is a standard find/replace, with the following differences:
Case-insensitive search.
Replaced text's first character's "case" keeps the case of the original found text's first character.
Selected Text (I made some of the text Green so you could see what gets replaced):
I hope this makes sense.