Macro to download eTrade recent statement - do you have other examples?

So this is my first macro contribution. This one relies on Google Chrome and 1Password.

I intend to create other such macro for statements that I want to review every month. This one is to download eTrade's most recent statement. Can be run on the 12th of every month say.

I hope you find it useful.

If you have other macros for credit cards, banks etc. Do please post. May be we can have a collection of "statement downloading" macros on this forum.

I am aware that FileThis can download many statements, but that requires storing all login information with one third party service. Quicken can get transactions in one place, but Quicken also requires central storage of all login information.

16 PM

Download eTrade statement 2018-05-10.kmmacros (6.1 KB)