Macro to extract level 1 headers of Bear markdown notes does not work

The attached macro should if it worked extract only the lines which start with # (hashtag followed by space, which represents level 1 headers in Bear markdown notes). End of header is a line feed (hard return). I would like the resulting title to be separated by a blank line.

I think that something is wrong with the regular expression.

The test text is

testing title this is a test using a title

Text format is Markdown (Bear).

testing level 2 header

  • the title line ends with a new line feed
  • if possible, I would like to insert a blank line between extracted titles (the list of titles), to make the list more readable.

3rd level header

another title

and some text

a third title

another paragraph header

and the end results should

testing title this is a test using a title

another title

a third title

The KM Error message in the engine log file is:

2023-11-29 13:37:02 Search Regular Expression failed to match ^# .*. Macro “Trying” cancelled (while executing Search Text “# testing title…” Using Regular Expression (ignoring case)).

KBM select only title (preceeded by hashtag space).kmmacros (26.4 KB)

Your regex is wrong. It should be

^# .*

In other words, you shouldn’t have that “\” there.

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thanks very much @tiffle . You are right. One problem remains is that the variable input_bear_title after running the macro is

testing title this is a test using a title

and not the 3 level one headers separated by a blank line, namely

testing title this is a test using a title

another title

a third title

thank you for your time and prompt reply.

Yes - the Search action finds only the first match.

As the KM wiki says:
"Note: This RegEx Search returns only the first match in the source text.\
If you want to process all matches, you will need to use a [[action:For_Each|For Each Action]] as [[:Regular_Expressions#Examples|Shown in this Example]]."

Here's my take on your problem:

Download Macro(s): Test Extract Titles.kmmacros (6.2 KB)


Keyboard Maestro Export

  • Macros are always disabled when imported into the Keyboard Maestro Editor.
    • The user must ensure the macro is enabled.
    • The user must also ensure the macro's parent macro-group is enabled.
System Information
  • macOS 13.6.1
  • Keyboard Maestro v11.0.2d1
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Oooh, a chance to demonstrate two of my fave KM/regex features :).

You can actually do this all in one pass by finding what doesn't match the data you want to keep and removing it. (I got very good at this with an early version of my Quick Web Search macro, before it switched to using a database—I had to often extract a few things from a long list, and this was the fastest way to do it.)

multi select regex.kmmacros (28 KB)

Macro screenshot

Run the macro, and you get this:

That find part uses two cool regex features. The first is the (?m) bit, which means "multiline," so it will apply the regex to all lines, one by one. Then there's the second regex feature, a negative lookahead:

(?!# ) This means "only match what follows if it is not preceded by a #-space combo." That is then followed by .*$, which means "everything else until the end of the line." Rephrased, this regex finds everything on all lines that do not start with a "pound space."

The replace is then blank, that is, we replace anything that doesn't match with nothing at all. That leaves just one step, a simple regex to remove the blank lines. At the end, the var contains only the headlines.

It's a weird construct, but it is oh so incredibly useful for parsing multi-line variables and getting what you want without having to loop through them line by line.



Fantastic macros which approach the problem from 2 different angles. Many thanks to both of you @tiffle and @griffman . I will make favorite actions out of your macros

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