Macros don't work on my MAC

The only way I can get the macros to work is by going into Keyboard Maestro and launching the applications from there. I can’t use any hot triggers to launch apps otherwise. Have tried getting support from their site but no help. I’ve tried disabling various things in system preferences related to the keyboard but it still won’t work. For instance, when I hit the F11 key (which I’ve programed to open my mail app) the only thing that happens is that the volume control for the computer comes up. Any thoughts?



[quote="Russ_Fega, post:1, topic:595"]
The only way I can get the macros to work is by going into Keyboard Maestro and launching the applications from there.[/quote]

Hey Russ,

You mean your keyboard shortcuts only work when Keyboard Maestro is the frontmost app?

That implies you've created a macro group local to KM and not global. Your app-launcher group needs to be 'Available in all applications' and 'Always activated'.

How? Via the support email address? How long ago?

Peter was away for a couple of weeks and may still be playing catch-up.

You're using a laptop? The first checkbox in the Keyboard System Prefs:

[✓] Use all F1. F2, etc. keys as standard function keys; when this option is selected. press the Fn key to use the special features printed on each key.

In order to use the Function-keys in keyboard shortcuts without pressing the fn-key, you have to enable that option.

Look through the wiki (especially the troubleshooting section). If after that you still need help ask more questions, and we'll try to oblige.

Best Regards,

thanks, chris. i’ll check out what you wrote and see if i had inadvertently created something to KM. i understand what you’re saying. thanks.
