So here are a bunch of Macros for Focusrite Control. I use them to turn my Stream Deck into a Monitor Controller. It makes it really fast to switch between monitors or other output sources. You just have to make sure Focusrite Control is open, but you can have the window hidden in the dock and all of these will work.
You may need to modify some of these macros depending on what interface you have, but all you would be doing is changing the name of the output in the apple script part of the macro to match the name of whatever output you want it to control.
For example, if the script says
tell group "Monitor Outputs 1-2"
but you want it to control Loopback 1-2, just change every instance of "Monitor Outputs 1-2" to "Loopback 1-2".
I have also included the Icons I made for Stream Deck. If you use them, just put that folder in your documents folder.

Keyboard Maestro Stream Deck Plugin (1.1 MB)
Focusrite Control Macros.kmmacros (217.8 KB)
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Hey, this is super helpful so big thanks!
However, I'm struggling to get this working for my Scarlett 18i8. Do you have any advice on how to get working? This is the screenshot of my Focusrite Control
I've tried to do the action of Mute Monitor 1-2 via this applescript:
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "Focusrite Control"
click button "Mute" of group "Monitor Outputs 1-2" of group "Outputs" of window "Focusrite Control"
end tell
tell process "Focusrite Control"
-- Navigate to the button based on the provided path
set theButton to button "Mute" of group "Monitor Outputs 1-2" of group "Outputs" of window "Focusrite Control"
set buttonState to value of theButton
-- Return the value of the button
return buttonState
on error errMsg
return "Error: " & errMsg
end try
end tell
end tell
However, when running this through a shortcut nothing gets executed in Focusrite.
Nevermind. Solved this myself by reinstalling Focusrite Control. Thanks for the great macros!
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Glad you got it working and are finding some use for the macros!
Hi Vic Could you give some guidance to a newbie as to how to install the macros please?
HI John, sorry I did not see your comment sooner. Scroll to the bottom of this page for your answer.