Macros or Images Reverting?

I use KM for automation testing our product and while I've been trying to cover different MacOS versions moving my sync file around to VM's or different partitions I've noticed macros that I knew to be working prior no longer work I initially thought it was down to the environment change which would be logical.

However the steps that now don't work seem to be images that I've updated due to UI changes which now seem to have the old UI image again not the new one. Sometimes whole tests that's I've previously re-written seem to revert but with every change being written to the sync file and me using that on the other machines I can't see how that would be possible.

I admit that I'm seeing this most often on the Sequoia beta which I can't imagine has much coverage by KM users so far also I think I did fix those tests on KM10 and have since updated to KM11 but I haven't fully read the differences but I don't think that could happen but has anyone seen anything like this? I couldn't find anything like this in any other posts.