Maestro Macro on Microsoft Windows 8?

Hey all

Does anybody knows about a possibility to use a Keyboard Maestro macro on Microsoft Windows 8 (not on a virtual machine like parallels or wm)?

I've done some macros and a friend of me will use it on windows 8. Does an alternative program exists for windows, which is able to handle Keyboard macros? Or any other solution?


The only one I know of that’s similar is Winautomation, I haven’t used for several years as I no longer use Windows, but it was a very good program for automating Windows tasks. Winautomation

Keyboard Maestro is Mac-only and almost certainly always will be.

The one I hear about most often from Windows people is AutoHotkey.

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Check out Pulover’s Macro Creator(MC). It’s based on AutoHotKey(AHK), but expands on it massively. It is truly incredibly amazingly powerful, opensource, and free. On the downside, it’s for Windows-only.

It does a lot of neat things, like let you specify when to put a button down (eg. a mouse button), then you can move the mouse (eg. draw a bunny), and release the button. It has many of the same features you’ll find in Keyboard Maestro, but KBM’s interface is far more aesthetically pleasing. KBM’s loops and flow-control layout is much easier to quickly spot-check, although MC allows far more granular control. KBM allows for trivial inline implementation of perl, sed, awk, bash, python, AppleScript, and much more. If you’re fluent in AHK, you may not miss these other scripting languages. I’m not fluent in AHK (yet!).

SikuliX seems like it should be neat, but I just can’t seem to even get the basics working. Perhaps I just haven’t given it enough of a chance, but I suspect it would quickly get frustrating to do anything moderately complex.

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I have been using keyboard Maestro on Windows 10 pro for 3-4 months.
It stopped working today ?

Hey Jutta,

That's interesting, since Keyboard Maestro doesn't work with the Microsoft Windows operating system.

Perhaps you can be more specific.


Is anyone still using any of these tools now in Windows 10 and/or are there more modern alternatives?

The program I want to write a macro for is only on Windows :frowning:

Since KM is a Mac-only app, most of the folks here rarely, if ever, use MS Windows.
You would be better off posting in a Windows forum, like the AutoHotKey forum.

Yeah myself included in the MS Windows aversion tactics.

Sounds like AutoHotKey is the way to go. I was just curious if anyone else had any experience trying to do similar things with a Windows macro tool like they do here in KM on Mac.

I am automating control of a Sony PS4. While there is a Mac app called PS4 Remote Play, it doesn’t have a way to map game controller buttons so I can call them from a script.

There is, however, a MS Windows app that will do this with the Windows version of PS4 Remote Play: REM4P

I just wish that tool was on Mac and then I wouldn’t have to learn AutoHotKey, let alone work on my Windows machine! At least I can take my experience in KM and try to find out what various AutoHotKey equivalents are.


you are looking for alternative programs then WinAutomation is best. This program claims to be advanced automation software designed for Windows based computers and will help you customize your system so that it can perform all repetitive tasks without your intervention. This will definitely save you a lot of time.
JitBit Macro Recorder- this software is a complete automation tool and allows you to insert custom commands and sentences into your macros.