Making a password encryption

Many times I would like to include in a Macro a password that appears as ******** so to be encryption. I wish that would be in a future update to KM. Any suggestions in the meantime. Would appreciate your feedback. Ed Gilliam

I have not used it, but if you save your password in your keychain it should be secure on the system.
And then Keyboard Maestro can read with the Set Variable to Keychain Password.

As @JimmyHartington suggests, look at the Secure Passwords example in the Keyboard Maestro Macro Library for how to store your password in the Keychain where it belongs.

Peter, I believe I do have an account, please check your records and let me know. Don’t know if you meant me or Jimmy Harrington.

Ed Gilliam

Sorry Ed, I'm not following what you mean.

Answering your original question:

Many times I would like to include in a Macro a password that appears as ******** so to be encryption. I wish that would be in a future update to KM.

In Keyboard Maestro, select Macro Library from the Window menu and add the Secure Passwords example. It shows how you can save passwords in the Keychain and read them out later, thus avoiding saving them in your macros (which would be unwise).

I don't know what account you mean or what message from me you are referring to, so I am entirely confused by this…?

I made the mistake, thanks for your help, sorry

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No worries. If you have any trouble with the Keychain passwords, or if that does not resolve your issues for some reason, let us know.

Hello all,

I’m having a hard time trying to accomplish what the OP asked about. I have played with the Secure Passwords example in the Keyboard Maestro Library. But the result is just a pop up displaying the password that I’d like to keep encrypted.

I have entered my password into Keychain already. I’m wondering if I’m just missing correct naming conventions in Set Variable to Keychain Password.

• Should “Set variable” = the name of the field that the pop up dialog box has where the password should go?
• I’m pretty sure “to Keychain password named:” = the name I gave my keychain. (in most cases • I would just name it the title of the application, document or file that is requiring the password.)
Is leaving “account:” to the default %UserLoginID% OK?

I’ve looked at all of the examples I can find in the forum, Wiki and Google but am not finding any examples of how to set this up. In fact, I would love to see more macro examples that show what the result of the example actually looks like (result).

I am running KM 6.4.8.

Thanks in advance.

The examples in the macro library show you how to write a password to the keychain and how to read it back.

You cannot necessarily read existing passwords, only ones that you write with Keyboard Maestro (you may be able to, but they have to be the same kinds of passwords and the keychain is rather complicated, so it is hard to know if they are the same kinds or not).

Thanks Peter.