Manipulate Premiere Pro tab

Hello, I`m trying to create a macro to move a tab in premiere pro, I'm thinking about using the mouse coordinates with click and drag, the mouse makes the movement and clicks in the right area, but it doesn't “hold” the tab to move.

It seems like what your are doing should work, but UI interaction like this can be quirky at times.
Does something like this do the trick for Premiere?

Click and drag test.kmmacros (18 KB)

Set with very long pauses now, just to test, but if it works you can probably reduce the pause lengths allot.

That's great advice, but I would modify the first command to a Move action, with a short pause, then a Click action at the current mouse location.

I agree, it makes sense to split the first action also, for testings sake.

Click and drag test 2.kmmacros (19 KB)

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Thanks for modifying that. I have found that some apps require that exact fix to make dragging work.

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