Maverick and Which KM version

I’m stuck with Maverick because of various software versions I use, like ProTools. Which KM version should I use? I also run most of the Adobe products, like Premiere, PS, After Effects etc.

Are you using Pro Tools 8.x?

ProTools 10.x… Once we go to 11.x we loose most of our plug-ins, so we plan to put it off as long as possible which means we can’t go beyond Maverick.

I'm pretty sure it is Keyboard Maestro Ver 6.

The official Keyboard Maestro page, Keyboard Maestro 6.4.8, says Mountain Lion, but I'm almost sure I was running Ver 6 under Mavericks. When Ver 7 was released, I remember upgrading to Yosemite so I could run it.

I'm sure @peternlewis will jump in with the definitive answer soon.

EDIT: I missed the "+":
"Mac OS X 10.8+"

which would, of course, include Mavericks.

Sammie I understand the reasons for using Pro Tools as far as production - it's a necessity. I still need to use it. You should look at Studio One Pro v.3. I still use Pro Tools but more and more I am moving to Studio One Pro v.3. The rapid rate of improvements they are making based on feedback from Pro Tools users is astounding. They just released an update (the second in a about a month or so) that added "Beat Detective" style slicing. They also have a pretty slick setup for keyboard shortcuts. You can enable Pro Tools Keyboard Shortcuts which allows you to use shortcuts you probably already know. If you are curious - download a demo and try it out.

I just purchased Xpand2 by Air Instruments for $1.00 (they have a VST version) and I am using it in Studio One Pro v.3. Kind of cool to be able to do that. When I get time I will be organizing all my plug-ins so that I always have the equivalent VST versions for all my TDM plug-ins. And it's not costing me a cent because in most cases many of the plug-in companies have VST versions in addition to their TDM/AAX plugs.

Thanks for the good advice. I’ll pass it on to the rest of the group.

Mountain Lion is 10.8 so km6.x looks like the answer for Maverick 10.9.

I guess this is what Demo’s are for.

All the major versions of Keyboard Maestro and their requirements are listed at:

Version    Requires
7.2.1   Mac OS X 10.10+ (10.10.3+ highly recommended)
6.4.8   Mac OS X 10.8+
5.3.2   Mac OS X 10.6+
4.3.2   Mac OS X 10.5+
3.5     Mac OS X 10.4+
2.1.3   Mac OS X 10.3.9+
1.2.3   Mac OS X 10.0+

Note that all versions (at least 2.x+ certainly) work on 10.11.6, with only cosmetic issues as far as I am aware.