Menu selection or native keyboard combination

This is a general question relating to best practice.

In Vectorworks (and many similar apps) there are pre-assigned key combinations specific to that app that can be re-configured or even disabled.

In the case I have in mind I am creating a macro that has a menu selection step. This action already has an assigned key combination under Vectorworks. So I have a choice, create a Menu Selection or a Type a Keystroke action.

Obviously if I use Menu Selection action I can disable pre-assigned keys freeing up more possibilities. But apart from that are there any comparative advantages/disadvantages between these two options?



Hey Michael,

Rule-of-the-thumb – never invoke a keyboard shortcut via Keyboard Maestro when there is a menu item available for a Select or Show a Menu Item action.

Because – there is a much higher risk of unexpected side effects and interference from the user.

Normally you won't have a problem, BUT when you do it often very hard to troubleshoot.


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do you mean - disable application assigned key combination and go with KM Menu Selection? That is how I understood your response.



Hey Michael,

In general there's no need to disable the original keyboard shortcut, because Keyboard Maestro will override it.

So it's a convenience rather than a necessity.

And yes – always use a Select or Show a Menu Item action instead of a Type a Keystroke action when possible.

On some fairly rare occasions it's not possible, and you just do what you have to do.


Cheers Chris