Minimise windows into application icon for all apps except Finder?

This question is maybe a little outside the scope of this forum, but I'm not sure where else I'd be able to get a useful answer.

I like to keep a clean, tidy dock and so have always minimised windows into the application icon, but my workflow now would really benefit from being able to see minimised Finder windows at a glance without having to navigate to Finder and initiate App Exposé. My workflow is such that I have many apps running at a time, most of which have even more windows (and these cycle between being in focus, hidden, and minimised), so disabling the whole setting is not an option.

I recently learned that a different all-or-none setting—showing/hiding the Menu Bar in fullscreen—has granular control via the command line using defaults write com.example.SomeApp AppleMenuBarVisibleInFullscreen -bool [true/false]. I'm hoping that something similar exists for minimising windows to the dock. Does anyone happen know?

As far as I've ever read/heard/seen, there are no options to control minimization on a per-app basis—though I'm still not sure exactly what aspect of the minimization you want to control.

(My background is such that I knew about almost all of these hidden features, at least in the earlier days of Mac OS X ... and recent versions haven't exactly been rife with new hidden features; more typically, things that used to work no longer do so.)


Hello @hemicyon :wave:

Rob (@griffman) is absolutely right - there is either the option to get all windows minimized behind their Application Icons or none of them - which leads to a growing Dock.

This will also include the Finder … I’m sorry to say that there’s no way to get what you want.

Greetings from Germany :de:


Sorry if I wasn't clear enough. I understand it isn't doable, but for posterity I will clarify.

I would like to be able to keep this setting enabled such that all app windows always minimise into the application icon...

...except for Finder windows that will minimise to the Dock as segrated and separate icons like so:

Currently in my Dock, I have 6 or so windows minimised in VSCode and dozens of windows miminised in Firefox. (I suppose since those windows were minimised into their respective icons prior to my toggling the setting to get the screengrab, they stay put until minimised again. Which has me now imagining a hellish workaround that involves a macro to toggle that setting off and on when in Finder...not sure if I'll try it though.)

N.b. I have this setting enabled so that the Menu Bar is always visible in fullscreen, but was able to change the default (e.g.) for VSCode so that the Menu Bar is hidden while VSCode is in fullscreen mode using the command I referenced in my first post.

Schade. Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe.

Too bad. Thanks for your help.

Thanks for the clarification ... and yea, I've never heard of being able to separate that functionality on a per-app basis.
