Mount ftp server to mac

Hello people,

I'm a complete newbie to KM, my eyes have been opened to the endless uses it has.

I've successfully set up some new macros but I'm struggling on how to copy new files automatically from an ftp drive which is mounted to the mac. I need to make use of the 'changing or impartial files' option.

They just need to be copied to another location on my mac.

Thanks for your time,

IF the FTP drive shows in the Finder, you can just use the KM Finders Selection collection in a For Each Action. This link provides some good example.

Instead of the Move or Rename Actions, you would use the Copy option of the File Actions action. You can easily insert this action by using the Insert Action By Name tool, from the Edit menu, or shortcut key ⌘⌃A


Take a look at that and try to build your macro. If you get stuck, post your macro and questions back here, and we'll try to help.

Did the above solve your issue?

Hey Nate,

What changing or impartial files' option?

Are you trying to sync the ftp drive with a folder on your Mac?
