Mouse movement X or Y, or speed, with Mod keys as Trigger?

Keyboard Maestro and Quickeys are very different in how they solve problems.

Quickeys prefers monolithic actions, where as Keyboard Maestro prefers orthogonality. See:

for more of a discussion on this.

So in Keyboard Maestro, if you want to move the mouse at a certain speed, that is not an option Keyboard Maestro has, but you can do it yourself manually using a For Each or Repeat loop as I described to you earlier:

Its not impossible that I will add some option to the move mouse action to specify steps or some such, but it is quite unlikely - it is very rarely needed and there is already a viable solution for those cases that are needed.

You can use a modifier key as a trigger using the USB Device Key trigger, assuming the device is not exclusively held by its driver.