Move specific files in subfolder to new folder

On a server, we set up a daily file structure (photo below) of folders with images in subfolders. I am trying to make a macro that will go into each subfolder and put .tif files into a new folder within that folder (hard to describe, example photo below). Still new to KM so not sure how to go about doing this.

Current File structure on server

File structure after running macro


This is not exactly what you asked for, but maybe this example macro will be enough to get you started.
You will need to modify to meet your specific needs.
Please let us know if this works for you, or if you have further questions or issues about this topic.

Is there a way to sort or only pull files with the .tif file extension?

Yep, use the Get File Attribute action and then test in a If Then Else action.

Having a hard time with the get file action, not sure what variable to use or how to make it look at the correct path.

Please post the macro you are working on so we can see and understand your question in context. See How to post/upload your script/macro

OR, if you'd prefer video instructions:
See this video: How To Upload Macro to Existing Post in Keyboard Maestro Forum

Keyboard Maestro 8.2.1 “Move Files Selected in Finder to Specified Folder [Example]” Macro

Move Files Selected in Finder to Specified Folder [Example].kmmacros (4.2 KB)

Well, there are two problems with this Action:

  1. When you use a KM Variable in a field that is expecting text, you must use the %Variable% token like this:
  2. You are using the wrong Variable for the file path. This Action requires the full path to the file, like this: