Moving messages in Mail to a folder

Moving from QuickKeys. How do I create a macro that allows me to select an e-mail and have it go to messages and select a specific folder to move it to. I am looking to create a number of these macros for my most used mailboxes.

Hey David,

Welcome to the Keyboard Maestro Forum!  :smile:

Use a Select or Show a Menu Item action to choose from:

Mail Menu Bar > Message > Move to >

The little Menu pop-up menu in the upper-right of the action will let you directly select the menu item you want to use.

Make sure you have a Macro Group specifically for Mail.


And make sure your group and your macros are enabled (not grayed-out).

This kind of task is a snap with Keyboard Maestro.

You'll find that some of the things QuicKeys used to make super-simple are more complicated to do in Keyboard Maestro, but you'll grow to love the sheer power of the app.

Make liberal use of the Keyboard Maestro Wiki, but don't bang your head against the wall for more than 15-30 minutes before hollering if/when you get stumped.
