Multiple Sync Files

I have a set of personal macros that I use with KM

This sync file is stored on iCloud and works great

Now, we also have a set of macros in my business

I do not want to merge these

My personal macros are no one's business

Has anyone considered or solved this syncing scenario?

Are you using the same MacBook for both Personal and Business or two different computers ?

I’m siding the same MacBook

But I have 2 different user accounts

I want the personal macros on both and the business macros only on the other

Here's how I handled that.

I had macro groups named (for example):
Work: Email
Home: Email
Global: Email

And I would disable Work: * macros on my home computers, etc...

Ignoring the global setup for the moment, and assume two profiles on the same laptop.

Assuming the home profile is the busiest, then make it the master.
Any changes go into the KM setup on the home / master profile including all the work macros

I have a common file area outside the user profile that is named KM Xfer with r/w privileges for both home and work profiles.

If I change any work macro, then I export that group to KM Xfer.
When I am next in work profile, I reimport the modified macro group.

Essentially I am doing a "manual" sync.

Anybody got better ideas, or am I missing something?