my macro abort after 2 minutes runtime with follow Message in the engine,log
Launch Task /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/osascript ‘/var/folders/p_/8kfjpkkd4_325gt5jgfwd5pr0000gn/T/Keyboard-Maestro-Script-B961F94F-9E30-454A-BE46-E2A7FE90416D’ failed with exception Failed to set posix_spawn_file_actions for fd -1 at index 0 with errno 9
AsyncCoallescedWriter CSClipboardDomain write error
Can anybody help me or have anybody a idea, how I can solve the problem ?
My macro works really very strong with Screen Captures, Clipboards, Variables, Files in many loops simultaneously!
I work with a MacPro 6.1 on macOS Sierra.
Thank you