My macro aborts with unknow error

my macro abort after 2 minutes runtime with follow Message in the engine,log

Launch Task /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/osascript ‘/var/folders/p_/8kfjpkkd4_325gt5jgfwd5pr0000gn/T/Keyboard-Maestro-Script-B961F94F-9E30-454A-BE46-E2A7FE90416D’ failed with exception Failed to set posix_spawn_file_actions for fd -1 at index 0 with errno 9

AsyncCoallescedWriter CSClipboardDomain write error

Can anybody help me or have anybody a idea, how I can solve the problem ?
My macro works really very strong with Screen Captures, Clipboards, Variables, Files in many loops simultaneously!

I work with a MacPro 6.1 on macOS Sierra.

Thank you

Basically, the attempt to run osascript to execute the AppleScript/JavaScript is failing with the displayed error.

If it is an older version of Keyboard Maestro, it could be because the total size of your variables (Keyboard Maestro, Preferences, Variables) is too large. Later versions of Keyboard Maestro restrict the size passed to the shell commands. But the error does not look correct for that.

Try in the Terminal running the command:

tell app “Finder” to activate

(press control-D to finish entering the command and see what it says).

It looks like your system might be running out of file descriptors. Perhaps your Mac is not particularly healthy at the moment, I would consider restarting.