My macros can't find ThinkOrSwim Application. I am flummoxed and humbly seek out those who know

I am trying to run Keyboard Maestro macros for the ThinkOrSwim application. The macros do not work. They do work when I make them available to all applications. I am using a MacBook Air with the Sonoma 14.2.1 macOS. uses Java. It is not in the applications folder, but given its own folder:

Macintosh HD > Users > Me_The_User > ThinkOrSwim. I’m sure the problem is some sort of permission issue, but I don’t see something like that in Keyboard Maestro.

Frustrated, I found every application-like-element of ThinkOrSwim and made them all available. One should work, right? But that was not the case; the macros will not fire in ThinkOrSwim. Here’s the screenshot of my desperation:

I used the “Other…” option to use the Mac file system to find thinkorswim since it was not in the application list.

Any solutions? I’ve seen other users on the forum who are controlling ThinkOrSwim with macros, so it's possible. I will be most grateful for any insights to this problem.


I know nothing of the app, but if you right-click on its Dock icon and select Show in Finder, where does that take you?


Java applications are no longer well supported by the system (they haven't been for a long long time).

Thanks for the prompt reply-really appreciate it.

That is unfortunate news and I'm sorry that Schwab has decided to use software that Apple has categorized as "deprecated." (I looked up Apple's view of Java for more details.) I guess they prefer to have their applications on Windows.


The path that Finder shows is Macintosh HD > Users > [my_user_name] > thinkorswim. It's exactly parallel to the Applications folder: Macintosh HD > Users > [my_user_name] > Applications.

Peternlewis (following post) also said that Apple is not actively supporting Java now. Over time, the legacy support may slowly deteriorate causing this issue.

Thanks for getting back to me!


Yea, sounds like something low level isn't functioning.
