Named Clipboard: Axure object converted to an image

I am using Axure RP (a webpage prototyping app ), and I try to use Keyboard Maestro “Named Clipboard” feature to
assign keyboard shortcuts to easily paste Axure RP objects.

However, the native Axure objects seems to be converted to images into the named clipboard.
So I guess the clipboard can only contain either text or images?

What would be the correct way to use KM so I can copy/paste other things than text and images?

Rather than paste directly from a Named Clipboard, you might try Copy Named Clipboard to System Clipboard, and then do a normal paste when Axure is frontmost.

I have done this with Evernote and it seems to work well, pasting in Evernote objects.

I think the problem is that anything imported to a named clipboard is converted to an image at import. See below, as soon as I put the object in clipboard it has a "image" icon at the top left:

Would be better with no "conversion to image" feature, so I can paste the original Axure object back to my Axure document

This is incorrect.

A clipboard contains a variety of flavors - some of the flavors might be plain text, some styled text, some images, some proprietary, etc. These flavors are all saved and restored as part of the Clipboard History or Named Clipboards.

However, not all flavors can necessarily be saved and restored. If the propietary clipboard flavor includes references that are fragile, then when they are restored they may not be valid, and so then the app might use one of the other flavors such as text or image.

ok thanks for the precision