I recently learned about the Loupedeck Live S, and I've been thinking about implementing one into my studio setup for audio engineering.
The audio interface I use is the Lynx Aurora, and it has a software called Ncontrol that's designed to operate every part of the hardware from your screen.
The interface isn't very close by, so to change the volume I need to reach out of my way for it or use the software. For that I have to open it, adjust the volume, and click back on the program I use for music. I would love to program one of the knobs on the Loupedeck to control my volume. I was prompting chatgpt with this idea and it said that this might be complicated, but using a scripting tool like keyboard maestro could be used to control the Lynx's software, and then I can map that script to the loupedeck.
If anyone could help me with this I would appreciate it very much. If it would be difficult to set up, I wouldn't mind hiring someone.
Note however that the Loupedeck CT model is discussed there.
As for the link from KM to the Lynx Aurora, two possibilities occur to me:
Use KM to interact with Ncontrol (which is what I gather you have in mind).
Use KM to adjust the Aurora's volume via MIDI (over USB).
#2 would mean that you could bypass Ncontrol, but you would need to know the MIDI messages to send to the Aurora, for a start. It is probably not a realistic option but I thought I would mention it in case you can find other information along those lines.
So, to get KM to control the volume slider in Ncontrol, I think you would need to write a KM macro that:
opens Ncontrol;
finds the image of the fader and drags it using a Move or Click Mouse action;
closes or hides Ncontrol.
Steps #1 and #3 are easy, but involve Ncontrol being brought to the front to be acted upon. Already it seems inelegant. Step #2 may not be totally reliable, and could be error-prone (e.g. if the master volume fader looks similar to the other faders, which I think it does).
So where does that leave things... Well, I think the best options for you are:
Move the Aurora closer to you so you can reach it..! Is there a way that could be made possible? Perhaps the interface could be fixed to the underneath of your desk?
Buy a tiny mixer instead of the Loupedeck. If you have room on your desktop for a Loupedeck controller, you will probably have room for a little mixer! Of course, you could use the mixer's other inputs for convenient monitoring of other sources too!
I would strongly suggest that those might be your most convenient options.