Need Help to Fix KM Error to Open Messages chat.db

This shell script works fine from Terminal and Script Debugger 7, but fails with KM9:
EDIT: It also runs find in an AppleScript run via FastScripts.

sqlite3 -line ~/Library/Messages/chat.db 'select text from message order by rowid desc limit 1'

I get this error in the KME Log:

Execute a Shell Script failed with script error: Error: unable to open database "/Users/[username]/Library/Messages/chat.db": unable to open database file

I'm running Keyboard Maestro 9.2 on macOS 10.14.6 (Mojave).

I have toggled the checkboxes for Sys Pref for KME in Security & Privacy, Accessibility, and Full Disk Access.

Any ideas of how to fix?

If you are running Mojave, could you please test and post your results.

Execute a Shell Script Action (v9.2)

Execute a Shell Script.kmactions (771 B)
