Need Help with Focusmate and Tomito Automation in Keyboard Maestro

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to automate starting the Tomito app counter whenever I begin a video session on using Keyboard M

aestro. I’ve created a macro (screenshot attached) to trigger the Tomito app when Focusmate is active, but for some reason, it’s not working as expected.

Here’s what I’ve set up:

  • The macro is triggered when the Focusmate window title contains "49:00 until end."
  • It’s supposed to execute two hotkeys (%T and %R) to start the Tomito counter.

However, the macro doesn’t seem to trigger. I’ve checked for hotkey conflicts, ensured the macro is enabled, and verified the window title, but I’m still stuck.

Could anyone help me figure out what might be going wrong? Alternatively, if there’s a better way to achieve this automation, I’d love to hear your suggestions!

Thanks in advance for your help!

[Screenshot attached]

No -- it triggers every second whenever Focusmate is the frontmost application (assuming the macro's Group is enabled). You can check if it is triggering by looking at the Engine log (~/Library/Logs/Keyboard Maestro/Engine.log).

How? Some apps add additional text to the window title bar that isn't part of the title itself -- KM won't necessarily see it. You can check using a "Display Text" action and one of the %WindowName% token variants.

Are these macros you are triggering? If these are actually keyboard shortcuts in Tomito, try the "Type a Keystroke" action instead -- you can see on the Wiki that you can choose the app to send the keystrokes to, if Tomito isn't active.

How do I do that?

Like this -- you'll need to change the first action to activate Focusmate, though:

List Window Names.kmmacros (3.1 KB)

The thing is, FocusMate is already active... [like literally all day, I want an automation to start timer on Tomito App whenever I start a video call on FocusMate, [I forget to do that manually..], whenever a 50 min. video session starts on FocusMate, the window title is typically something like [49:59 until end - FocusMate], also the video call is NOT a front app.. I am on other apps while the video call starts! I hope that was clear... Thank you.

"Active" means "the frontmost application". This KM token can only list the names of the windows of the frontmost app, so the action is there in case you run the macro from the Editor.

This is only for testing, so you can see the Focusmate window names that KM sees and check that your "If" condition is correct.

Then maybe your macro isn't triggering. Again, "is Active" means "is the frontmost app" -- the one you are interacting with. If you start a session in Focusmate then immediately switch to another app the macro will no longer be triggered every second.

How do you start/stop video sessions? You might be better off using macros to do those things -- KM pressing buttons or selecting menu items for you -- and include the Tomito commands in those.

I'd click on "Join session" on FocusMate, it does not starts immediately [i'll have to wait maybe 5 sec. or 2 min. max] in that time I am working on a different app, and I need KM to trigger Tomito Timer for me [it has a shortcut hotkey..] without thinking to do it manually..

Then write a macro that

  1. Clicks on the "Join session" in Focusmate
  2. Starts the Tomito timer

Otherwise you'll need to change the trigger, since Focusmate may not be the active app -- and running your macro once every second all day every day seems overkill for something that's only needed once an hour.

Finally it worked! Thank you!

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