Need help with my KM-Keychains-Autofill Workflow

[Moderator: This post is presented in both English and German / Deutsch. The English version is presented first.]


Hello and a good day to all here in the forum!

Since this post is my first public here, I hope that I do not do the wrong right the first time.

I am facing a major problem with my KM Keychain Autologin regarding locking selected apps, drives, and disk images with the AppLocker apps from the MAS and the iLock app from developer Osxbythes.

My macros are not the problem I'm trying to describe here, but the fact that despite the correct setup - with regard to the correct password from one of my keychains, I will ask you to manually unlock the keychain almost every second or every second time ,

Actually KM should (in my latest version) be able to do this myself, after which it has been authorized the first time.

It would be nice to find someone who can help me with this problem ... because every single or every other time I open an app, be it 1Password, the KM Editor or Ulysses, enter a password for a keychain well over 30 Characters has only to then make sure that the login macro in question has gone to empty and then it works a single time - this is really annoying in the long run, especially since some of my passwords have the default of 1Password maximum of up to 64 characters ....

Looking forward to any help, be it in German or in English and say thank you very much :wink::wink::wink:

LG Tobias


German / Deutsch

Hallo und einen guten Tag an alle hier im Forum !

Da dieser Post hier mein erster öffentlicher ist, hoffe ich das ich nicht gleich beim ersten mal alles falsch mache.

Ich Stehe vor einem großen Problem mit meinem KM-Schlüsselbund-Autologin im Bezug auf das Sperren ausgewählter Apps, Laufwerke und Disk-Images mit den Apps „AppLocker“ aus dem MAS und der App „iLock“ von dem Entwickler Osxbythes.

Meine Macros sind hier nicht das Problem das ich zu beschreiben versuche, sondern die Tatsache das ich trotz dem richtigen setup - hinsichtlich des richtigen Passwortes aus einem meiner dafür angelegten Schlüsselbunde nahezu jedes mal bzw jedes zweite mal dazu aufgefordert werde ersteinmal den richtigen Schlüsselbund manuell zu entsperren.

Eigentlich sollte doch KM (bei mir aktuellste Version) in der Lage sein dies selbst zu tun, nach dem man es beim ersten mal authorisiert hat.

Es wäre schön wenn sich jemand finden würde der mir helfen kann bei diesem Problem… denn jedes mal oder jedes zweite mal wenn ich eine App öffne, sei es 1Password, der KM Editor oder Ulysses, ein Passwort für einen Schlüsselbund einzugeben das weit mehr als 30 Charaktere hat nur um dann fest zu stellen das das betreffende Login-Macro ins leere gelaufen ist und es dann ein einziges mal funktioniert - das ist auf die Dauer echt lästig zumal manche meiner Passwörter das von 1Password vorgegebene Maximum von bis zu 64 Charaktere haben ….

Freue mich auf jede Hilfe, sei es in Deutsch oder in Englisch und sage schon mal vielen Dank :wink::wink::wink:

LG Tobias


Sample Macro / Beispiel Macro

KeyboardMaestro KeyChains-Login Macro (v9.0.3)

KeyboardMaestro KeyChains-Login.kmmacros (3,8 KB)



As I said before, it's not about the macro but about the problem that I always have to manually unlock the keychain despite proper configuration ....

The Mac is currently using macOS High Sierra and can not be upgraded to newer systems ....
Hoping that someone can help me....



Wie ich bereits sagte es geht hier erst einmal nicht um das Macro sondern um das Problem das ich trotz richtiger Configuration immer erst den Schlüsselbund manuell entsperren muss ....

Der Mac den im Moment nutze hat macOS High Sierra und lässt sich nicht mehr auf neuere Systeme Aktualisieren....
Hoffe das mir jemand helfen kann.....

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Hey Folks !!

I recently updated my "Need Help with my KM-Keychains-Autofill Workflow" Post....

perhaps somebody like @peternlewis, @DanThomas, @ccstone or @JMichaelTX could help me with this Problem......

of course others can help me, too ......

German / Deutsch

Hallo Leute !!

Ich habe kürzlich mein "Need Help with my KM-Keychains-Autofill Workflow" aktualisiert.

Vielleicht könnte mir jemand wie @peternlewis, @DanThomas, @ccstone oder @JMichaelTX bei diesem Problem helfen ...

natürlich können mir auch andere helfen ......

Please do not post a NEW topic just to get attention. I have moved your new topic to your existing topic.

You may need to exercise some patience here. We have a number of members who volunteer their time to help others, but they generally don't reply unless they have some suggestions to offer.

While we have a good international membership here, I'd suggest that you post in English at the top, since it is the common language. I will edit your OP this time to move the English version to the top.

You have a complicated problem which is hard to understand, and even harder to reproduce. Perhaps if you could post a short animated GIF or video that demonstrates the issue that would help.

Good luck and give it some time. Most likely someone will be able to help you when they have the time to do so.

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Thank you @JMichaelTX for your answer and your help.

In the future I will pay attention to post the English post above.
Attention was not my intention .. I just wanted to point out that I had made changes to my first post. Will be here but in the future, try better to make sure that I provide everything that is important from the beginning.

I will try to make a post in the form of an animated video or GIF as well as a few screenshots (if necessary) and upload it as fast as possible.

Greetings from Germany and thanks again :pray:

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For the German speaking folks out here there is also a German Translation

Hello @JMichaelTX and everyone else

Here is my supplement concerning the workflow ....

The GIF I've taken with QuickTime shows my problem of which I spoke when I say that I always have to unlock the keychain before the macro continues ....

The picture shows the keyboard maestro has access to the keychain. Of course, I have made sure that Keyboard Maestro always has access.

Greetings from Germany :wink::wink::wink::wink::wink::wink:


German / Deutsch

Hallo an @JMichaelTX und alle anderen

Hier meine Ergänzung was den Workflow angeht ….

Das mit QuickTime aufgenommene GIF zeigt mein Problem von dem ich sprach, als ich sage das ich immer erst den Schlüsselbund entsperren muss bevor das Macro weiterläuft….

Das Bild zeigt das Keyboard Maestro Zugriff auf den Schlüsselbund hat. Selbstverständlich habe ich darauf geachtet das Keyboard Maestro immer Zugriff hat.

Grüße aus Deutschland :wink::wink::wink::wink::wink::wink:

here the link to the gif-file and the screenshot

Sorry, I do not find a video -- only a png and normal gif.

oh I'm sorry was a little bit in hurry today :scream:.... thought I got it right :see_no_evil:

Cause of That You're right and what you found is absolutely the stuff you wanted me to upload I will go further to correct my "very little Mistake"

Thank you :pray: