Network is connected trigger wrong result

I have several macros which perform maintenance activities at a specified time daily when I am connected to my home Wifi network. These macros have worked for several years but have recently failed to recognize that I am connected to my home network. I can confirm they are running because I display a message when they run and aren't connected to the home network. I don't recall exactly when they stopped working but it is worth noting that 1) in the past three months I moved to a new computer 2) upgraded the OS to Sonoma 3) running both an ethernet and wireless network connected to two separate vLANS although this has been my configuration for quite sometime 4) I am running KM 11.0.1. I am attaching several screenshots to assist with any suggestions anyone might have.

Thanks in advance

CS 2023-12-04 48

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In Sonoma, Apple changed it so that an application requires Location permissions in order to get wifi network information.

Ensure that Keyboard Maestro Engine has Location permissions.

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That was it, thanks for the quick response.

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