New Draft From Current App Macro (v10.0)

New Draft From Current App Macro (v10.0)

New Draft From Current App.kmmacros (39 KB)

This macro creates a new Drafts draft from the current frontmost application window...

  • If that is a browser - Firefox, Safari, Chrome - it aims to make a link to the current page / tab, taking the title as the link text and the URL as the link URL. Any selected text is added after this.
  • If that is Omnifocus the currently selected task is the target of a URL - with the task title as the link title and the task URL as the link URL. Another link is created at the end of the task's Note field to the newly created draft.
  • If that is XQuartz (X11 on Mac OS) the full window is grabbed - or attempted to - and the text is embedded in triple backticks. This is really for x3270 or similar screen grabs.
  • Otherwise just the selected text is used to make a new draft.

It's easy to extend this macro with new case statements - or to delete the ones you don't want. I intend this to be tailored by a savvy user.