New Macro to combine dozens of different filters into a single action

Feedback and criticism are welcome. And ideas for new filters are welcome.

Here's a big new macro that allows you to combine dozens of different filter actions into a single action. Many of the filters are built-in Keyboard Maestro filters found in the Filter Action, but many of them go beyond that by accessing or creating popular shell filters that Keyboard Maestro does not directly support. Here's a simple example to illustrate what this macro can do.

The result placed into the FilterResult variable is:

1 Abc
2 Def
3 Ghijk
4 Lmn
5 Op
6 Qrstuvwxyz

But there are many more filters. Here's the current list. More will be added in the future. You can add your own filters, but I recommend that you make requests for filters and I will add them, so that consistency of format and naming are maintained.

  • Merge Lines
  • Split Every Argument
  • Remove All Strings
  • Quote Every Line
  • Smart Quotes
  • Dumb Quotes
  • Sort Lines
  • Reverse Line Order
  • Reverse Character Order
  • Shuffle Lines
  • Trim White Space
  • Remove Blank Lines
  • Keep First N Lines
  • Delete First N Lines
  • Keep Last N Lines
  • Delete Last N Lines
  • Capitalize
  • Uppercase
  • Lowercase
  • Unix Line Endings
  • Windows Line Endings
  • Mac Line Endings
  • Keep Column N
  • Minimum Length N
  • Maximum Length N
  • Number Lines
  • Squish Lines
  • Fold Lines
  • Char=X
  • String=XXX
  • Search=XXX
  • Separator=X
  • Number=NNN

(The last five commands are pseudo filters that simply set variables for use in other filters.)

Filter Utility v1.0 Macro (v11.0.3)

Filter Utility v1.0.kmmacros (70 KB)