Notifications Not Showing

Notifications for both the Keyboard Maestro Editor and the Keyboard Maestro Engine are turned on.

The KM Editor and the KM Engine have full disk access in Privileges and Security.

And I have run the following script.

defaults write com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.engine "Notification-Information" -bool YES
defaults write com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.engine "Notification-MacroExecution" -bool YES
defaults write com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.engine "Notification-MacroCancelled" -bool YES
defaults write com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.engine "Notification-ActionFailed" -bool YES
defaults write com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.engine "Notification-ReceivedClipboard" -bool YES
  • Notifications for what?
  • When did they stop working?
  • Please provide an example.

Check you haven't turned on "Do not disturb", either directly or via a Focus Mode!


@ccstone and @Nige_S - how embarrassing... =)..

I have been here before and forgot.

In the main notifications Settings is a toggle to 'Allow notifications when mirroring or sharing the display' - if this is off, when I'm accessing remotely, it doesn't show notifications.

OE -

Thank you both.... truly appreciate you 2 on the forum here....
