Numbered there a better way?

Can anybody suggest a better way to do to this numbered list? My current macro is set up to insert each preset number (up to 10) after I hit the return key. It works okay, but I’m curious if there’s a better of way of creating this macro. Thanks.

Insert Text by Pasting
Pause Until All Conditions Met
The key Return is down
Insert Text by Pasting
Pause Until All Conditions Met
The key Return is down
Insert Text by Pasting
Pause Until All Conditions Met
The key Return is down
Insert Text by Pasting

Use the For Each action with a number range collection, and then use the variable in the Insert Text action.

Thanks, Peter, but I don't quite get it. Here's what I’ve figured out so far. I still would like to be able to type text after a number is inserted, and then have the next number inserted after I hit the return key. I'm still not as knowledgable about the use of variable as I would like to be.

Here is an example. You can set the end number to be very high, and then Cancel the macro when you are finished.

Awesome, thanks. The more I use these macros with variables, the more I get an understanding of how to create them, and how they function as placeholders.