OmniFocus Actions Pack for Keyboard Maestro

thx again @kornichon for your kind help!

i guess you were right (im Very new to omnifocus and the terminology..sorry about that) . What i want indeed is to move it into to a sub project. Here is image to better explain

Also, for the project part i tried it as you suggested but it didn’t move the task to a different project, is I assume im doing something stupid :slight_smile:
here is the macro

im selecting task vanilla ice cream and issuing the macro expecting it to move it to project Ingredients2B. But nothing happens:

does that make sense?

thx again


This should work, if properly selected Vanilla Ice cream should move to Ingredients2B.

  • Make sure the task is selected in OmniFocus
  • Check there are no spaces in the name after Ingredients2B (if there is an additional space, either in the project name or in the Keyboard Maestro action it is possible that the two names will not match)
  • Due to a bug in OmniFocus, the set project action doesn't work if the project is empty. Make sure Ingredients2B has at least one existing task.

If it still doesn't work, try to temporarily switch "Ignore results" in your action to "Display results in a window" to see what result is returned by the action (OK = it worked, ERROR = oops something is wrong).

thx! yeah it was an empty project, go figure these bugs :slight_smile:

would be super excited if you find a way to also move into other subtasks of a project!!

thx so much


Hi! Any chance you had time to look at that? Thx a lot in advance!!


Yes, I had a quick look, it's definitely possible using a task's ID, but I haven't implemented that functionality yet...

Great appreciate the answer



I've added a new action to the latest version of the pack called "OmniFocus Set Task Parent Task" to do exactly what you want.

Note that you must specify the ID of the Parent Task; using the name of the Parent Task caused too many potential problems.

To get the ID of the Parent Task, you can use the "OmniFocus Get IDs of Selected Tasks action", and at the bottom of the action either "Display Results in a Window" (you can copy the ID from the window) or simply save the ID in a variable. I hope it's clear.

To get the last version, go to the official page and scroll to the "INSTALLATION" section:

You will have to reinstall the OmniFocus Action Pack (you can replace the old versions of the actions) and the OmniFocusLibrary. To be sure, don't forget to quit and relaunch both Keyboard Maestro and the Keyboard Maestro Engine.

I coded this quickly, so let me know if it doesn't work...

@kornichon, this is AMAZING!

tested it and it works like a charm, cant thank you enough for saving me countess further clicks :wink:

thx again


May I suggest - if possible - that you edit the very very first post to reflect all the hard work you've done on this - and more importantly to get people to download the latest version of your pack... I just spent a few hours scratching my head after reinstalling the initial version of the pack - :smiley:

FAO Peter and JMichaelTx. It is not intuitively obvious within Discourse how you upload and indicate the latest and updated version of a macro already in the thread. Is at the beginning, at the end??? Please advise.

I would like to do so, however for some reason I am unable to edit the first post. I think, but I am not sure, that a moderator updated my post and since then I cannot edit it. I asked for the permission to edit it again, but I didn't get a reply. But again, it might be me not understanding how to edit that post.


Hi Jonas, first I'm happy to see that the action pack is useful to you. If the folder is missing, you can simply create it. However, it should not have been removed by the upgrade to macOS Big Sur. If you don't see the ~Library folder at all, it's hidden but it's there. You can use the following command to unhide it.

chflags nohidden ~/Library

I'm on Big Sur and the action pack works properly, despite Apple's complete neglect of AppleScript.

hello kornichon,

It works like a charm.
I just realiksed, that I forgot to say thank you.

thanks for your help.

PS: by the way, is there a way to set the "Omnifocus make Task" to flagged?


Hi Jonas, thank you :smile:

The current version of Make Task does not allow you to flag the task. I'll modify the next version so that you can flag it.

thanks ! :smiley:

Done, the new version of OmniFocus Make Task allows you to set the flag. You can download the last version here:

Main changes to the OmniFocus Action Pack (that I remember of :sweat_smile:):

  • Added the possibility to set the flag when creating a new action
  • Added "OmniFocus Get Flag" and "OmniFocus Set Flag" actions
  • Added "OmniFocus Plus x Days" action to answer a recurrent need I had: move the existing defer and due dates by a given number of days.

Example of Plus x Days:

  • if you use +2 days on a task with no defer date and a due date, the defer date will remain blank and 2 days will be added to the due date
  • if you use -1 day on a task with a defer date and a due date, 1 day will be substracted from the defer date and the due date.
  • if you use +1 day on a task with no defer date and no due date, nothing happens...

This is because I use due dates to define what I need to do today. This allows me to quickly move the dates around.

It's been a while since I posted here, so there are probably small changes that I forgot about. Also, I'm sorry if the new version breaks old stuff, but I have no intention to maintain backward compatibility as it would be too time consuming.

Hey Pierre,

thank you! 14 days, that was quick :slight_smile:
I guess to use it I will have to reinstall the old version and install the new one.
Just adding the new actions to the folder won`t do the job, right?

ah, sorry, I read it on your page:
"It is strongly advised to reinstall all three components each time a new version is released:"


Hi @kornichon
Thanks for this set of actions and tools.
I'm getting the pallette of actions up within OF, but none of them are working. I just get silence.
I can see the third party actions within KM, and I get no errors.

What kind of information could I give you that could help you to offer some advice if you have the time? After the holidays of course!
