Open a specific application

Hi All!!

First a little background. I have the newest pages and keynote installed. I also have pages 09 and keynote 09 installed. I need to use the older for some of the jobs i do.

Question, is there a way to create a macro that would do the following>

I want to hold down option and click on a keynote file or page file and it would open the 09 version instead of the newest. Right now I have two separate macros that will just open the selected with whatever app I want. But I would like it better if I could just hold down option and click on the file.

Is there anyway to do so?

Following this works>>

With that said, I would like to use option then double click with my mouse to open. Can that be done?

If anyone wants to know how I completed this. Here is my macro.

This is a portable so I have it setup so when I am at my desk using my trackpad it will work or when i am using the internal trackpad on the portable it will also work.