Open EVERY Safari Window as "New Private"

Hi, Forum Members,

Even though I have Safari (15.6.1 in MacOS 12.5.1) set to "Safari opens with a new private window," it doesn't.

I've read Open URL in New Private Window .

Can you recommend a macro -- simple as possible, please -- to open in a New Private Window?

I've attached a screen shot of the way I'm doing it now.


A quick search returned this:

Thanks, noisneil. I cited that link in my post.

Maybe I don't understand how to use that macro.

Could you show me where I insert the link?

Safari - Open URL in Private Window.kmmacros (44 KB)

Macro screenshot

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...and if Safari isn't already running:

Safari - Open URL in Private Window.kmmacros (46 KB)

Macro screenshot

Thanks for showing me, noisneil! :smiley:

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