For a while now, some of us have been discussing how to standardise a few things about Macros, including such things as location of Resource files, updating existing macros and plugins, etc.
So I figured it would help if we had an “installer” that helped users install and update macros. It could do things for the users like:
Update existing (sub-) macros to a new version, keeping the UUID the same so any references to it would automatically work with the new version.
Automate the process of storing and updating any Resources folders (like HTML css files, external script files, etc).
Make creating, distributing, updating, and requiring Scripting Libraries easier. Imagine if we could build a library of Scripting Libraries that we could guarantee were available on a user’s system, so we don’t have to recreate the wheel each time we write and distribute macros.
Help automatically install updated Plugins.
Provide a framework for defining and performing additional installation tasks and verifications.
To that end, I created the initial version of the Macro Import Manager. This first version doesn’t have the features mentioned above, but that’s the goal.
In the future when we share Macros and Plugins, we could say “Please use the Macro Import Manager to install this macro/plugin”. Or we could even create a specialized version of a .kmmacros file (with a different extension), or a .zip file or something, which actually requires it to be installed by MIM, so we can guarantee that resources are placed in the right locations, older versions are updated properly, etc.
So, if any of you think these goals and others like them are worth pursuing, then I ask, or even beg you to become a beta tester of the Macro Import Manager, and let’s start a discussion of what goals we want to achieve, and how we get there from here.
I’m open to just about anything, even including (God forbid) going back to the drawing board and restarting from scratch (even if that means trashing what I’ve already got, although if you had any idea of how much time I’ve spent on this already, you would understand my preference for not having to do this ).
Tagging a handful of recent contributors, but all are welcome to participate:
@peternlewis @JMichaelTX @ccstone @Tom @Rather @MitchellModel @iNik @ComplexPoint