Open more than one DEVONthink item externally on separate tabs in same PDF viewer?

The ideal automation would open DEVONthink 3 in the background (if it's closed), then bring-to-front PDF Expert with up to three tabs in the same window. These tabs would be specific pages from PDF documents (which can be attained by their page link, from DT).

Use case: I use a genealogy database program called Reunion. This macro, script, or combination of the two will help automate a complex source-citation process within the program itself, but also presents tabs with examples of whatever source citation template is chosen. If PDF Expert could open to front, but not be front-and-center, that’s all the better.

Still learning how to use KM and LOVING this software!!! Thanks for any tips or guidance on this!


ps: @pete31 --figured I'd tag you as I found you on this forum too--and know your crazy-smart scripting skills from the DT form. Send me a link to your tip jar!