Open Website Profile Link Every Minute

Hi everyone, new to this software and I would like to create a process that opens and closes a webpage using a provided link with a frequency of every minute for a determined timeframe. How do I create this function in Keyboard Maestro on a Mac. Thanks

What is "a determined timeframe?" Do you mean every minute between 8am and 5pm, or something else?


What is the reason you are opening it, if you are closing it immediately afterwards?

If you aren't closing it until the minute is up, then why not just force a refresh every 60 seconds?

Welcome to the forum. When you clarify what you want to do, and why (what the overall purpose is), it would be a good idea to include your attempt at writing a macro to do it. A vague "please do it all for me" request will teach you little about Keyboard Maestro compared with rolling up your sleeves and trying to make your own macro. I assume that you have already completed the introductory material, so that would be the next step. Do ask about any particular step you are unsure about. As you can see, people are keen to help.

Hi Rob, yes, exactly.

Hi Airy,

I would actually keep it open for a longer period of time. Say open it, stays open for 5 minutes than open it again.

Okay, that clarifies it a little. Here's what I would do to solve that:


You can replace the URL with your own URL, and for "5 minutes" you can replace "11" with "300" or "5*60".

If I'm not understanding what you want, please clarify what you want and I will update my solution. I have a feeling I'm not understanding what you want.

Taking your request quite literally:

Once you've got that working when triggering it manually with an "Hot Key Trigger" you can then change it to be a "Periodic Trigger", which you can configure to fire every minute between certain hours on certain days of the week.

You hardly even need to look at the manual, though I'd still recommend a quick skim so you'll know where to find concepts like "Tokens" and "Variables" not needed for what you've described, but will come in handy if you want to expand your macro or make it easier to edit later.

Give it a go, see how you get on, then post back here if you get stuck. Remember to include necessary details, like which browser you are using -- even if they seem obvious to you they won't be for us! And include your attempted macro -- instructions for that are at How to Post/Upload your Macros and Scripts.